Wednesday, June 19, 2019


How necessary is it to block an ex off your social media space? Is it over-dramatic to do so?

Remaining connected to an ex partners social media platforms has been likened to a situation where you leave a window open in your house so as to peek in on festivities happening in a neighbouring mansion, where you're not welcome in.

In a bid to find happiness and move past the hurt and confusion of being dumped, minimizing contact with your ex is always advised.

Popular opinion makes you believe that the farther you move from the person that hurt you, the easier [relatively] it will be to put the whole breakup wahala behind you.

But how true is this? Do you truly move on faster from a breakup when you block your ex than when you don't?

Do you truly move on faster from a breakup when you block your ex than when you don't?
Isn't it possible that staying away and blocking that ex from your life will only make you miss them more and worsen the ache to have them back?

Afterall, absence is said to make the heart grow fonder. And realistically, not everyone actually ends up hating their exes.

Many ex partners end up being good friends who eventually do a lot of great stuff together despite the end of their romantic relationship.

Again, different strokes for different folks. People always end up handling their problems in the manner they deem most convenient.

And that's just right. People can and should always do what's best for them, so far they are happy and content.

You need to move on from that chapter, and doing away with anything that may drag you back is the way to go.

Personally, I think that blocking an ex can never be wrong no matter how you want to view it. The choice to cut them out of your life after a breakup is valid majorly because if the relationship is over and you need to move on from that chapter, doing away with anything that may drag you back to the past needs to be kept faraway from you.

Blocking an ex does not mean that you are angry, or that you never want to be friends with them ever again, or that you are resentful. One of these may be true, yes, but that does not necessarily have to be the truth always.

Blocking an ex does not mean you are petty or angry or resentful. You just need it for your own good.
Blocking an ex does not mean you are petty or angry or resentful. You just need it for your own good.

Blocking an ex, in essence, is for your own good. For you to move on without their 'distractive' presence, or having them pop into your DM when they like, messing up your progress in the life after them.

And if you’re concerned that it will come off as petty, you shouldn’t be. Yes, maybe your ex will think you’re being petty but you cannot control what they think about you. What you need to do instead, is make sure you create the appropriate conditions for you to heal and if that means you have to take them off social media for a while, then so be it.


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